Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Scientists offer an explanation about the mass bird deaths. What do you think?


  1. I think this case of the deaths of the birds were caused by firecrackers and since the climate of temperature and severe weather forced the birds to fly low, and also since they usually don't fly out at night they could not see. These two factors caused them to hit near by objects such as trees and cars they both played an act on the role of the deaths of the black birds. We kind of made observations out of curiousity and we still can't seem to find out the real reasons why this has occured besides the view point of scientists natural causes investigators seem to leave out missing details that they seem to keep hidden from the public suspicions they don't want released out to others to prevent fear of threats throughout earths existence.

  2. I believe if this happened all the time like the scientists say, then why would news like this startle everyone? Why would half of the people reading about what happened be shocked, and why would the media cover this story? If this happened "all the time", as they say, surley there would be dead birds all over the streets today. I believe that these Scientists aren't trying hard enough, are hiding something, or plainly just dont want to spend their reasearch funding on animals.

    -Shalimar C.

  3. I believe the firework sound effects didn't startle the blackbirds enough for them to fly lower and hit objects. If thats the case, then more blackbirds would have died here in N.Y., because we use fireworks every year and there are no blackbirds or pigeons dying or falling from the sky. My opinion is that the real explanation of this event is either unrevealed or the scientists are hiding something.

  4. I Think It coud of been the fire works that killed all the thoes birds. The Birds might of have gotten scared. But what people say that if every 4th of july when thet shoot the fireworks it might kill the bids and they would die.

  5. The scienctist say that the birds were falling from the sky because of a blunt-force-trauma, which i don't believe. The reason i don't believe this is because i honestly don't believe what comes out of those peoples mouth such as how the Earth was fromed from a "BIG BANG"

  6. What the sicentist think happend was that the birds might have died from from a hail storm or a lightening storm. I think that event is a example of the world ending.To me personally i didn't think so much birds could die from fireworks or even scared to death.

  7. Scientists think that the bird died because of the fireworks on New Years Eve. I think that it might have been because of the fireworks but it couldve also been because of natural causes(pollution in the air).In the article it says it also couldve been the powerlines or a tall building.they said birds cant see at night so it couldve also been because of that.

  8. Scientist think that is cause all the time so they do not make it a big thing. It also from natural causes. The bird died from blunt force trauma, crashes, and loud noise. Before they began to fall it appears that really loud booms from professional grade fireworks. Winds, snow, hail, lighting and othe challenges posed by weather can easily kill flying birds too. I think it crazy how that can kill alot of birds at one time.

  9. Scientist explained what happened to the birds wasnt such a surprise because almost half die each year due to natural causes. The birds die due to loud noises and crashes. The birds suffered from blunt-forced trauma. Its shocking how all the birds were killed but now its understandable and not such a mystery anymore.

  10. The scientists explaination about the blackbirds were that they died from blunt-force trauma. I agree because maybe the blackbirds got brain damage or got hit by something.The explaination is very unusual because the question is how did the blackbirds get blunt-force trauma.

  11. The scientists say that this case isn't a first time but it is a first time most recognized. they say these birds die from the dark, bumping into buildings and all the loud noises and crashing. Basically dying from blunt force trauma. this is understandable but still confusing as to why they werent smart enough .
