Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Arkansas Dead Fish and Dead Birds News Report


  1. Honestly when i first heard of this whole situation i got kind of creeped out. Reason being that this all happened without warning. i dont really know if the dying birds and dying fish had relations, but both of the cases relate to ecology in the way that birds could have died because of weather changes in the atmosphere and the fish could have died because of diseases at the bottom of the river. THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW!

  2. My reaction to this is why is this happening?i am in fair.I think that were all in danger i am wondering How could this happen?what is it? This relates to ecology because it has something to do with living and non living things afecting the arth. It is affecting the earth because certain people eat fish and we dont know where the fishers get their fish from and it may be from arkansas so from the fish we eat it can affect us and kill us.

  3. My reactionto this article is shocked & weird because its strange that 5000 black birds died and 100,000 fish died.I think it relates to ecology because we learn about living & non-living animals. I think happenedit was a hail storm. When the hailstorm was happening I think the black birds got it withthe hail. And the fish died maybe the chemmicals inside the hail went into the water and infected the water.

  4. my reaction is that i think that that means somehing bad is going to happen to all the animals.this relates to ecology because it has to do with the environment cause the birds are dying in the envioronment .i also think that the fishes that died are effecting the envioronment because some people eat fish and now theres less fish now.

  5. I think that this is crazy. I dont know what to think about this. I think that the officials were right. Maybe there was a disease in the water and maybe lightning or fireworks did hit the birds. This relates to ecology because of there enviroment. It could have been somthing in there enviroment that led to the death.

  6. I feel like it is not right ,what happened to those birds about 5,000 of them had died.Also 100,000 of Fishes had pasted away .My reaction is sad because i feel like they ned to find out what happend to those birds and fishes,before it hurts anyone else.This Relates to Ecology because it dealing with some of the Anamals houses and were they live and how the envvironmentis killing them .

  7. Myreaction to the death of5,000birds and 100,000 fish.Is crazy how that many birds and fish die it is said cause we eneed fish and birds. Its crazy how they just die like that what could of happen is that hail came and droped on them and they got struck by thunder. Its relates to ecology cause of birds and fish is apart of nature.Its the study of living things in their environment.

  8. Watching the video made me want to know the exact reason or cause of the death of 5,000 birds and 100,000 fish. It's a sad thing that occurred in the area it happened in. The death of the birds and fish relates to Ecology. Even though they were not human they still had a life, since they were living. They grew and ate just as we do. They lived in this world and their death occurred in this world, which made them apart of this environment. The death of tgese animals also might have an effect on their population. I hope this accident never happens again.

  9. My reaction to this article is suprised and i honestly dont understand it. Why would they get shooked and scared and die,thousands of birds didnt die from fireworks on the fouth of july.I just think it sounds weird and creepy to me, the fish dieing was probably just the oil spreed.this relates to Ecology by the living which is the fish and birds to the non living which is whatever killed them .

  10. I was suspicious because maybe a New Year's Eve firework or a hailstorm killed the blackbirds and fishes. Also,it was probably from the ashes of a volcano. It relates to ecology because the blackbirds and fishes are part of nature.

  11. My reaction was fright.I was scared of what might move through the air towards my vicinity!This all relates to ecology because the air can move anything thats put in its way and if its something bad as what was hypothesized then im frightful of whats to come.

  12. My reaction to the video was way diffrent from the article i read. i was surprised of what the fishies and birdies looked like. This somewhat relates to ecology buy disturbing the animal cycle.

    P.S i would pants Obama

  13. My reaction to the MSNBC video and the article we read was awful. There's mysteries about the blackbirds and dead fishes. Maybe Global warming is taking affect. This event relates to ecology by the blackbirds falling from a non-living thing, the sky. As for the fishes, they died in water which brings life, and is used by living things.

  14. My reaction to the causes of the 5,000 dead birds and 100,000 dead fishes is strange news of awareness.Everyone should take time to think about these warnings of our living organisms that can be affected including us species we need to be more cautious and check our surroundings.My thoughts it couldn't be aliens sending messages as some who think so.the birds were moving south due it's migration season which had such an impact on large amount of birds.they usually have complications flying during night time,and to the addition of it could of been firecrackers that burst out into the atmosphere during the celebrations of the new year of 2011.This could led them to fly out of control and hit any nearby objects such as wires or cliffs that caused them to die.the explosive powder could of caused it too.The 100,000 dead fishes could of ate something in the water they were not supposed to or it could of been they contracted illnesses because they were small and were not use to cold water which they cannot survive on that led them to die in A large amount.Hopefully investigators can fully uncover the missing theories to these cases and get into the deeper effects that occurred.I believe this is related to ecology because these living organisms were alive at some point and the environment had been affected by the deaths of the organisms,and the atmosphere also.Changes in the water that caused the fishes to contract illness due to their size,or unusual changes in the water that caused the fishes shorter life expectancy than usual.

  15. It was unusual to know that thousands of birds and fish died at once and at one night, New Years Eve. Falling out of the sky? my first thought was a chemical endangerment.
